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Multimodal Models

To utilize multi-modal models effectively in your application using the Merlin API, follow this guide to understand the available models and how to interact with them using Node.js.

Available Models

Below is the list of the available text-based model IDs you can use with the Merlin API along with a brief description:

Model IDDescriptionProviderPricing
gpt-4-vision-previewA preview version of GPT-4 designed for vision tasks.OpenAIPricing
gemini-pro-visionGoogle's multi modal model.Google

Interacting with Text-Based Models

To interact with the provided models using Node.js, you can use the following sample code:

import { Merlin } from "merlin-node";

const apiKey = "<YOUR_MERLIN_API_KEY>"; // Replace with your API key from Merlin
const merlin = new Merlin({ merlinConfig: { apiKey } });

async function createCompletion() {
try {
const completion = await{
messages: [
role: "user",
content: [
type: "text",
text: "What’s in this image?",
type: "image_url",
image_url: {
url: "",
model: "gpt-4-vision-preview", // Adjust model as needed

} catch (error) {
console.error("Error creating completion:", error);
