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OpenAI opens Tokyo center and introduces GPT-4 optimized for Japan
OpenAI Japan unveils GPT-4, a customized model for Japanese language optimization. Discover faster, more efficient AI capabilities designed for Japan's unique needs.
"We're thrilled to be in Japan, which has a rich history of people and technology coming together to do more. We believe AI will accelerate work by enabling people to be more creative and productive, while bringing great value to current and new industries that have yet to be imagined." - Sam Altman, OpenAI CEO
OpenAI Japan appoints Tadao Nagasaki president and unveils GPT-4 custom template for Japanese language optimization.
The Japanese office is OpenAI's first in Asia and fourth worldwide.
Tadao Nagasaki's role will be to lead the company's business efforts, strengthen ties within the local community and assemble a skilled team to lead a variety of key functions in Japan, including global business, go-to-market strategies, communications and operations.
Have you tried GPT4 yet?
*Get free access to GPT-4 on Merlin
As part of its long-term vision for Japan, OpenAI Japan has introduced a customized GPT-4 model specially designed for the Japanese language. This new model promises enhanced performance in tasks such as translating and summarizing Japanese texts, with faster operating speed - up to three times faster than its predecessor - at a lower cost.
Try Merlin's free AI translator(the news above is translated into Japanese by Merlin's AI translator).
我々は日本にいることをとても楽しみにしています。人々とテクノロジーが共に活動し、より多くのことを実現してきた豊かな歴史があります。私たちはAIが人々に創造的かつ生産的になることを支援することで、仕事を加速させると信じています。同時に、これから考えられていない業界にも広範な価値を提供するでしょう。 - サム・アルトマン、OpenのCEO
GPT4を試してみましたか?Italic こちらMerlinでGPT-4を無料で利用してください
日本における長期ビジョンの一環として、OpenAIジャパンは日本語に特化したGPT-4カスタムモデルを導入しました。この新しいモデルは、日本語テキストの翻訳や要約などのタスクでのパフォーマンスが向上し、より速い動作速度を誇りますー前のモデルよりも最大3倍速くー 低コストで提供されます。
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Anupma Singh
Anupma Singh, an IITian turned serial entrepreneur, has developed a deep passion for SEO. Her writing expertise spans various topics, businesses that drive positive societal change, and the ever-evolving landscape of artificial intelligence (AI). She has specialized in driving massive organic growth for websites through engaging and informative content.