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Essay Outline Generator

Generate outlines for your essays in no time

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Regardless of what your educational level is, you often find yourself writing essays on one topic or the other, that too for a good chunk of your credits. Considering literally all the requirements that professors set out for you to complete, writing the essay in itself is a huge accomplishment.
You need to start by deciding what direction you want your essay to take. For this, you need a well-constructed outline for your essay. Now this can be a huge task considering all the research you need to do to come up with an ideal essay outline.
Now thanks to the time we live in surrounded by technology, you can delegate this research to AI for the sake of a wonderful and efficient essay outline. Not only will it be extremely beneficial for your research, but it will also save you loads of time.
Here comes, Essay Outline Generator!

What is Essay Outline Generator

The Essay Outline Generator is a tool designed to help you construct a well-structured outline for your essay. It asks you to input essential details about your essay to get a better context of what you are writing about.
By filling in this information, the generator will organize your ideas and help you plan the layout of your essay effectively. This tool can be especially useful for students and writers looking to organize their thoughts before delving into the writing process.

How to use Essay Outline Generator

Step 1: Sign up on Merlin AI

Begin by signing up and registering for a free Merlin AI account. This will provide you with access to all of Merlin's services.


Step 2: Access the Essay Outline Generator

You just need to enter in your Essay topic and that's it. Essay outline generator will give you an outline in no time. Screenshot 2024-05-31 161232.png

How does Essay Outline Generator work

The Essay Outline Generator is a helpful tool that allows users to create structured outlines for their essays. By putting in specific details about the essay, this tool generates an organized outline with main points and subtopics.
Once you have reviewed and potentially adjusted the generated outline, you can proceed with writing your essay. You can use this generated essay outline to write the essay yourself, or you can use another tool to generate an essay on the topic as per your requirements.

Benefits of Essay Outline Generator

1. Improved focus

By creating an outline, writers can stay focused on the main topic and avoid deviating from the central theme of the essay.

2. Consistency

An outline ensures that the essay maintains a consistent structure, with a clear introduction, body paragraphs, and conclusion.

3. Organization

These tools can help writers organize their thoughts and main points, ensuring a logical flow of ideas throughout the essay.

4. Time-saving

An essay outline generator can help users quickly create a structured outline, saving time in the essay planning process.

Use cases of Essay Outline Generator

1. Students

Students at various academic levels (high school, college, or graduate school) who are required to write essays for their courses can use an outline generator to help them organize their thoughts and structure their essays effectively.

2. Teachers and Professors

Educators can use essay outline generators to create templates or examples for their students, demonstrating how to properly structure an essay.

3. Researchers

Researchers who need to write academic papers or articles can use an outline generator to organize their findings and create a clear structure for their writing.

4. Writers

Both professional and amateur writers can benefit from using an essay outline generator to plan their writing projects, ensuring a well-organized and coherent piece of writing.

Why is it Better Than Others

There are so many factors that make this Essay Outline Generator stand out. Let’s take a look at a few of them.

1. More Specific Headings

There are a lot of outline generators that provide very generic headings in the outline to elaborate on. This can lead to the article becoming very vain. This Essay Outline Generator provides you with very specific headings in the outline which are very useful for the reader.

2. Faster

This Essay Outline Generator takes a fraction of the time compared to other similar tools out there. It saves you a lot of time that you can focus on writing the said essay

3. Analyzes other written pieces on the said topic

Analyzing the other written essays and articles helps one understand which information is more beneficial and sought out for, and includes those headings, too.


In our academic pursuits, essay writing is a common task regardless of our educational level. Professors' expectations make completing an essay a significant accomplishment. Crafting an essay starts with creating a clear direction through a well-formed outline, which can be challenging due to the extensive research involved.
AI technology, like the Essay Outline Generator, simplifies this process, saving time and effort. This tool helps organize ideas effectively, making it ideal for students and writers. Using the Essay Outline Generator through Merlin AI enhances efficiency and quality in writing tasks.

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Frequently Asked Questions

Is Essay Outline Generator free?

Yes, you just need to sign up and create an account on Merlin AI and you will get multiple free queries to use on the essay outline generator.

Can college students use essay outline generator?

Yes, college students can use essay outline generator for their college essays and assignments. There are multiple tools like Merlin AI’s essay outline generator.

Which is the best academic essay outline generator?

Merlin AI’s essay outline generator is a great option for academic writing and academic essays.